Monday, April 21, 2008

New MS Email Address

Hey Everyone!

If you are interested in getting involved or being notified of middle single events - email us at

Also, you do not have to be a "rep" to hold or sponsor an activity. If you want to host a game night, or get some people together to do something - all systems go! If you want it posted on the calender please email us at the above address and we will get it on there. (Please give us more than 2 hours or something) :) But, by all means encourage your rep/reps to host an activity!

Highlands Ranch has had one, Parker kept the ball rolling with their activity last month, anyone going to step up to the plate and take May? Could be something as awesome as a movie night (i.e. Indiana Jones opens 5/16 - just a thought! )

Anyway, thanks again for supporting this new organization has we take off! Coming to the activities and wanting to get involved is what is making this so successful! Thank you!!

Hopefully we will see you in May!

-Amanda & Marissa


Lecia said...

Even though this is not an official LDS website, is it an unofficial one? I mean, do your activities coincide with LDS standards?

I hope everyone knows about for lds middle singles, too?

The more activities, the better!

Also, for those of you who are endowed, you all know about the singles night at the temple the first Friday of each month at 7:30pm? In June, we will all be at Martin's Cove for the middle singles conference, and in July, the temple is closed that first Friday night. However in August, I would like to invite those early birds (like me, who can't stay up after the temple session and go to Applebee's) who want to socialize a little, to meet in the temple cafeteria for dinner between 6:30 and 7:00. It's also a way to support the cafeteria.

See you at Martin's Cove in about a week and 1/2!


Admin said...

This is program is supported by our local leaders and each stake should have at least 1 middle single rep called. We hold meetings and activites approved by the church. This is new in this area so we are just trying to get the word out so please help us and our local leaders spread the word!


lpack1 said...

It would be great if this was updated more often because as a singles rep I tell people about it but every time I visit its the same!! Its a great tool though.